Connect with hotels & travel agencies to increase your revenue from experience bookings. The Inconsu booking platform is designed to help guests & travelers book your services as an experience provider. Let Inconsu facilitate the direct booking of your tours, excursions & activities during guest stays or traveler trips. Start receiving the reservations you want today.
Connect with Hotels & Travel Agencies to Increase Your Revenue
Why Connect with Hotels & Travel Agencies
When you connect with our platform partners you enable hotel guests and travelers to easily find their way to booking your services instead of searching online. This gives you a golden opportunity to increase your own revenue since the customers of accommodation partners like hotels, vacation rentals and travel agencies hold tremendous value.
Guests and travelers are always looking for ways to experience the destination they’re visiting because that is what travelling is mostly about. When you become a platform provider of experiences you make it convenient for them to book your services, meaning that your revenue is bound to increase. Become a platform provider to get access to these partners and market your services to their customers.
How to Connect with Hotels & Travel Agencies
We make marketing easy for you as an experience provider. When you are connected to our partner hotels and travel agencies, your services instantly become visible to customers who are on their way to your destination.
Thanks to this window of marketing many hot leads and lots of potential sales are coming your way. So follow these simple steps to connect and start selling your experience services.
Load Your Experiences
When you receive the invitation from a partner, you upload your services and offers to the platform either on your own or with the help of the Inconsu team. We love to simplify your daily tasks and see you succeed.
Partner Approval & Go-Live
When you load or update your services, your partner will automatically be notified. Hotels and travel partners then review and publish your services in their concierge app, meaning you are now visible for all their customers to book.
Pre Sales & Communication
If the customer has any questions, they can easily ask them in the app. If you need to cancel or communicate any changes to the booking, simply update the experience on the platform since we have created one place for all customer communications.
Kick Back & Relax
Start receiving the reservations you want today and focus on creating memorable experiences for the customers! Invoicing partners for your services is managed on the platform by the press of a button, freeing up admin time from your day-to-day.
Have questions, want a demo or a quote? We look forward to hearing from you.
Please call us on +46 8 122 045 80, email or use the form.